Need To Clean Your Blinds? Here’s How To Do It!

Advice on how to clean vertical, horizontal, and fabric blinds

● One of the best ways to keep your non-fabric vertical blinds clean is to dust them daily using a feather duster. Simply cleaning between each slide and the surface will maintain a pleasant look. ● Vacuuming them daily is another good way to ensure that they stay neat and clean. Use a brush attachment head that can gently scrub against the blind’s surface for even better results.

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For non-fabric, the following are the best ways to clean blinds:

● If there are stubborn stains on the blinds, you can use water to wash them off. Using a non-abrasive soap dampened with hot water, clean your blind gently with a soft cloth. ● It is good to take them off before starting the cleaning session for a thorough cleaning.

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