A great cleaning can be achieved with the right cleaning products. We have the perfect recipe for a D.I.Y. homemade version of liquid soft scrub cleaner that you can make at home with natural products.

What You Will Need!

>> – ¾ Cup Baking Soda

>> – ¼ Cup Castile Soap

>> – 1 Tsp Water

>> – 10 Drops Of Tea Tree Essential Oil

What To Do

Combine the baking soda and castile soap in a mixing bowl. Add the water and tea tree oil to the bowl and stir with a fork. Continue to stir until you achieve a paste-like consistency. Transfer your natural D.I.Y. soft scrub cleaner to a jar and use as needed.

Why This Works

Baking soda provides a gentle abrasion that is very effective at scouring dirt, gubk, and grime from surfaces. It naturally whitens and polishes porcelain surfaces as well.