Make your own household cleaning products from items right out of your pantry

Small Initiation to Make Big Green Environmental Changes

Small Initiation to Make Big Green Environmental Changes We are on the verge of total disaster but little do we care about it. In order to foster green living, a total change in mindset and way of living is essential. Here are a series of baby steps that we can take, that might not seem [...]

This is how Human Greed is Causing Environmental Destruction!

This is how Human Greed is Causing Environmental Destruction! Green Living is still considered a trend, a fad and most people don’t take it quite seriously even in developed, affluent and well-off societies. Leave alone underdeveloped countries and people living below the poverty line, the uneducated who have not even the slightest concept of going [...]

Find Out How Cleaning Professionals Are Going Green

Find Out How Cleaning Professionals Are Going Green If we compel people to stop eating meat, or switch off their Air conditioners and stop consuming inorganic food, the effect would be little and, in most cases, rebellious. So, it is sensible to have gradual life style changes with or change in the way we live. [...]

How to Create A Gravel Garden

How to Create A Gravel Garden A gravel garden is simply any garden featuring a gravel mulch. You can build an environmentally friendly gravel garden by using sustainably sourced gravel and choosing native plants to grow in it. This is a great option for beginning and long-time gardeners alike. Complete your garden in a single [...]

Eco-Friendly Ant Killer Recipes That Gets The Job Done

Eco-Friendly Way To Keep The Ants Away I have the privilege of living in Southern California, which means the weather is almost perfect most of the time. This summer the entire planet is having record breaking heat, causing bugs and pests to look for cool, dry areas to migrate too. One of these pests is [...]

Best Tips for Decluttering Your Kitchen

Kitchen Decluttering Tips When it comes to our kitchen, there is something inside every one of us which tells us never to throw away anything because there will come a time when we will need it! There's a high chance that time is never going to come, and you are just hoarding things in your [...]

Common environmentally bad things in our homes

Common House Things that Harm the Environment You will be surprised to find how many household items that cause pollution are sitting in your house. We all have household items that contain zinc, mercury, lead, and some plastics, all elements that are bad not only for your health but also the health of our environment. [...]

Keeping Your Makeup Organized Has Never Been Easier

Makeup Organizers & The Secret To Keep Them Clean The Best Way To Organize Your Cosmetic Products A good way to begin the hunt of finding the best makeup organizer for you is by listing the things you need from it. Here are a few things you can consider. Portability: The first factor you should [...]

Effective Ways To Get Rid Of Dog Smell, Mold, & Mildew

Handy Hacks to Clean Dog Smell, Mold, & Mildew Getting Rid of Dog Smell from Your House You don't get rid of the source; you won't get rid of the smell. No matter how much you clean out the house and use all of your air fresheners, you won't get anywhere until you vacuum out [...]

Find Out The Best Way To Clean Your Blinds?

Need To Clean Your Blinds? Here’s How To Do It! Advice on how to clean vertical, horizontal, and fabric blinds For non-fabric, the following are the best ways to clean blinds: ● One of the best ways to keep your non-fabric vertical blinds clean is to dust them daily using a feather duster. Simply cleaning [...]

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